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Everything you need to know about planning notices in France
Useful tips and guidance on how to comply with French planning requirements
When do you need a Planning Notice?
Putting up a Planning Notice is a legal requirement when your application for a Déclaration Préalable and Permis de Construire is approved.
In this article, we explain what a Planning Notice is, why they are important and the practical things you need to do.
Unlike the UK, there is no period for public consultation whilst the decision on the application is being made by the planners. Therefore, in France when a Planning Notice is erected outside of a property it commences the formal process for notifying your neighbours and others in the community regarding the proposed works.

When do you need to erect a Planning Notice?
Upon receipt of your planning permission, you must put up a planning notice at the earliest opportunity (technically, immediately!).
This notice must be displayed in a place that can be seen from the public highway. It must be in place for a minimum of two months, AND for the full duration of works if that lasts longer than two months.
This is a legal requirement and without it, your permit may be invalidated, and you could face a fine of 1500 €.
Where can you buy a Planning Notice?
Planning Notices or a panneau can be purchased at most DIY stores for a few euros.
Top Tip: Take a dated photo of the sign in place at the point you erect it, and on the day you remove it
What is the purpose of a Planning Notice?
Displaying this board allows the possibility of objections being raised by a third party (for example a neighbour) for a period of two months after the approval date. The Prefecture also has a period of 3 months in which to challenge or withdraw the permit if it is judged to be illegal, though that rarely happens.
In order to be 100% certain that no objections have been raised, it is wise to wait for the expiry of this period (three months) before commencing works. Please note it is also obligatory to note the name of the architect (where relevant) on this notice.
Why is a Planning Notice important?
In rare cases where the permit is challenged, the existence of the planning notice, erected immediately after consent is granted is of utmost importance. Although there is no legal requirement to ‘prove’ the notice was erected and remained in place for the required period, the minimum suggested action is to take dated photographs of it in place. To be as certain as possible that you avoid any future action, or to prove it was erected correctly, you can appoint a huissier (bailiff) to issue a constat (attestation) to this effect. The fee varies but is typically around 300 - 400 euros. An alternative is to ask the local Mairie to visit the site and issue an attestation that the notice is in place. Further information.
Further information
If you are looking to realise your own project in France, whether it is a renovation, a new build, an extension or another project, residential or commercial – please get in touch