Any size project, Anywhere in France
Our Services
Outline planning / Certificate d'Urbanisme (CU)
If you own (or are buying) a plot of land that you wish to build on, the first stage is to apply for a 'Certificat d’Urbanisme'. This equates roughly to outline planning permission in the UK.
The principle here is to obtain approval to use land for construction (whether for houses, factories, shops, etc). It does not give you full planning permission in order to start work.
If you are buying land with the intention of building on it, your Notaire will normally ensure the purchase contract includes a clause allowing you to withdraw from the purchase if a CU is not granted. We can then work with you to apply for the relevant CU within the required timeframes inline with your purchase contract. If you have already bought land and have no such certificate, we can deal with the application for you.
Similarly, if you have bought land with existing buildings - a barn perhaps - and wish to ensure that you have outline permission to convert the barn to living accommodation, we can handle this on your behalf.
Minor works / Déclaration préalable (DP)
Minor alterations to a property's exterior appearance, small extensions, or swimming pools can often be dealt with under a simplified application called a 'déclaration préalable'.
Things like fitting solar panels, adding Velux windows, creating new door & window openings, erecting a small garden shed or greenhouse, etc., all fall under this category. We will prepare the dossier for you, ensuring the minimum of delay before you can begin your project.
Full planning permission / Permis de Construire (PC)
Within this category there are several types of application for detailed planning consent - new build, conversion, renovation, etc.
Other application formats cover building a swimming pool, erecting a greenhouse or a wind-generator.
Because the requirements and accompanying documentation needed for each application vary, we will deal with the appropriate paperwork for you, ensuring the minimum of delay before you can begin your project.
Feasibility study
You may have grand ideas for your French home, but they can't always be achieved. We'll help you assess the feasibility of your project, taking account of any planning restrictions and other, more practical, building issues.
Cost summary report
Before you embark upon your project we can also produce a likely cost summary report, offering you the opportunity to see what it may all cost.
Our report is broken down into individual trades and specifies the likely costs involved in your project, plus the recommended phases of work.
These costs are further separated into materials and labour, which can be very helpful for those who wish to carry out some of the work themselves and contract out the remainder.
Additional reports
Etude de Sol (fosse survey)
For properties not connected to mains drainage, a private system is required. Planning applications now require details of all existing or proposed private systems (septic tanks, etc.) to be submitted before permission can be granted. As part of our planning application service we can arrange a soil test and certificate of conformity to be carried out on your behalf by a local expert.
Etude de Sol (structural soil test)
Sometimes due to the topography of an area a full structural soil report is required to be submitted as part of an application. As part of our planning application service we can arrange for the necessary tests and reports.
Thermal report (RE2020)
Since 2013 many building projects now require conformity with thermal insulation regulations, known in France as « RE2020 ». We can ensure your project includes an appropriate level of insulation and that the application contains all the necessary reports.
Other design services
Floor plans for internal re-designs
As part of your planning dossier you will automatically receive full floor plans for your property. However, you may already have a house where planning permission is not needed, but in which you want to alter the internal layout. We will work with you to produce the most effective & efficient internal layout, and will produce scale floor plans that can be used to carry out the alterations
Division of land
If you are looking to sell off part of your land, or split an existing dwelling into one or more individual houses, we can help with the formal administration needed.
Services for commercial projects
Feasibility study - survey & report:
Evaluation of existing use, proposed modifications, freehold/leasehold considerations, translation and explanation of any specialist leasehold terms and landlord requirements, requirements and costs for the appointment of any specialist outside agencies, technical and design limitations imposed by landlord.
Budget/cost assessment:
Estimation of project costs including renovation/conversion, fees payable to outside agencies/authorities, Services connections/transfer.
Existing plans/layout:
Facades, shop front, floor plans, internal divides, changing rooms, management offices, RCP, public/staff, WC’s, cross sections.
Design and technical implementation:
Working with your design team to maximise use of space, comply with local authority and/or landlord's limitations and expectations, health & safety considerations, fire regulations and accessibility regulations.
Fire regulations / ERP:
Advise on fire regulations, ensure and obtain planning conformity, advise on and supply relevant equipment and maintenance contracts.
Accessibility regulations:
Advise on accessibility regulations, ensure and obtain planning conformity, advise on relevant dimensional restrictions and requirements, organise required notices.
Services connections/transfer:
Organise transfer or connection of services: electricity, gas, water, drainage, telephone, internet, etc.
Guide to Fees
The fees shown in this section are intended as a guide only. Actual fees will depend on the precise nature and complexity of the project.
Fees shown are per building - where there are 2 or more buildings requiring changes on the same plot, a sliding scale of charges will apply - the larger the number of buildings, the smaller the fee per building.
Fees shown are exclusive of VAT/TVA if/where applicable, and exclude any/all additional one-off or ongoing property taxes relating to the project.
Fees for all projects where a planning permit is required include only those plans & drawings required to complete the official dossier (unless otherwise agreed in advance).
As a business we are TVA registered under TVA number 12881631642
We ask for payment of a deposit at the point of engagement, and prior to us undertaking any work or site surveys.